Sunday, March 15, 2015

New Arts

Tacoma seen from the Vashon Island Ferry.  It's been raining a lot this weekend and the landscape was transformed back into gray.  There's quite a bit of loneliness in that, and I saw it for awhile driving around town yesterday.  The oppressive bleakness of this piece attempts to nod at the loneliness.

Lights through the fog.  This was fantastical and it took inspiration from nothing specific.  I was imagining something seen through a rain-drenched windshield right before wipers swiped across.  

Fort Ebey.  This state park strikes me often.  Given the distance, I don't drive out to visit it regularly but on the occasions which I do, I fall in love again.

Fort Ebey.  A little study on negative space.

Friday, March 13, 2015


It's been a few weeks of stagnance. I've been hiking a lot and unfortunately producing less art. It's hard to balance productivity with other endeavors when time is a coefficient that fails to suspend when needed. Anyway, I painted this last month. The lower part of the canvas in the original version is supposed to afford the viewer some kind of footing, but the hazy tone wasn't quite successful at engaging that idea. I decided to fix that this morning. A little better, I think.