Friday, July 26, 2013

Talk Religion

Got into a pretty nasty verbal exchange with someone at work who kept pressing me to believe and accept her specific religious dogma.  Was asked how I can differentiate what's right from wrong without the aid of a divine being and replied that it's a pity that someone would need a deity to distinguish between choosing to harm others and not.  While I generally turn aside from discussing religion and beliefs with anyone, gaining solitude from the topic has become too difficult a task.  I especially cannot resist it when the motivation from the other person is flagrantly spiteful.

Saturday, July 13, 2013


I can't seem to make sense out of justice.

The thing that's bothering me the most right now about the Zimmerman acquittal, among a staggering number of others, is that a woman (an African-American, surprise!) who fired warning shots against an abusive man is sentenced to 20 years in prison.  She is not protected by the "Stand Your Ground Law."  George Zimmerman, on the other hand, kills Trayvon Martin and gets to go home.

Am I being naive?

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Book Review: Blue Nights

A heartbreaking account of loss and grief, freighted with heavy musings of her own mortality.  Joan Didion, at 74, has the appropriate voice to illustrate the meaninglessness of life and the meaningfulness of being alive. A great, great read!

"The fear of what is still to be lost."

Friday, July 5, 2013