Thursday, August 22, 2013

Gun Nuts

I find it interesting that in spite of the ill-informed mass of gun toting nut-cases, by the loud and rabidly irritating ad baculum which they all too often exploit, their venomous crusade to be heard outside the civil discourse snakes into the legislature.  It's very disconcerting how personally close these people are to me. Very disappointing.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Wild Blackberries

I made the mistake of overindulging in them yesterday.  Their glistening dark ornaments were too irresistible to not eat in excess.  To my chagrin, I had less than a mile to run home before I began to notice my intestines protesting violently.


Interesting:  Jesus did not commit the greatest sacrifice; he knew he would be resurrected anyway.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Armchair Musings III

On growing blinded by delusions.  Sometimes the belief is that life today is the embodiment of all our failed ambitions and dreams; we simply cannot grasp all the other dimensions of life that follow the opposite.  It's unceasing.  The thought that being something else, something better, could have been possible had we gone about life a different way.

I think it's fair to have sentiments like that, and I think we all do it, but taking things for granted is simply no cure.  Even learning how to appreciate the mundanity of our daily walkabouts into reality, the embarrassingly few occasions of virtue, and counting every miniscule thing worthy of gratitude (to whom, I'm not sure) is tough and can elude real ideas about what avenues to happiness are truly the best.  I do ponder, however, why there are so many misfortunes that befall all of us due simply to the miraculous accidents of birth.

With all the great tragedies and grievances of existence, I cannot proceed into each day by asking "why me" all of the time, because something good might still come.  I may not know that for sure but it seems to happen to everyone else.  So ask, "why not me?"   I've learned a lot in my 26 years of being alive, and I'm glad for it.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Animal Trail

I noticed a small path just off the paved trail.  It lead to a pond that bore no sign of human foot traffic.  I believe it's a haven for wild animals.

Tess jumps in on any pond as soon as she sees one.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

A Quarter Century

This is me at 25, totally aware that each moment coming to pass brings my transit to oblivion a little shorter in length.  Even though I feel like I have more distance left to travel in the world than I ever did.
"We all got older at break-neck speed.  Slow it down, go easy on me."

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


I bought the apple below a year ago.  I had the intent to eat it, until it sat at the windowsill too long and I had inadvertently forgotten of its existence.  Amid a throng of books, mason jars filled with pencils, and other things wont to reside on every windowsill, it simply sat camouflaged.  I don't know whether the fact that I used to eat this pretty compulsively is severely worrying or not.  I guess the new knowledge that organic, which the object below isn't, is the apple that will likely cause me the least puzzlement can only be a blessing, right?

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Was involved in a rear-end collision yesterday.  My body is in pain, and I'm not sure yet what's broken.  Noticed that I'm walking kind of funny and that could implicate a negative shift in marathon training.  The event is in two weeks.  I hope this is nothing.

Why me?
Why not me?

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Less is More

"Why do we have to look at a beautiful garden without wondering, or believing that there are fairies at the bottom; why can it not be just a beautiful garden?"